Aztec Diet With The Culinary Sundries

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

How To Prepare food To Aztec Diet Community

When you want to do the Aztec diet, of course has to explore what it is Aztec. Aztec commoners did not live with corn and beans. Tomatoes, avocado, and some kind of pumpkin served more choice in dining. The chili is used to flavor foods and so it is important to eat a fast Aztec chili often means keep it. Ants, grasshoppers, maguey worms and bugs jumil, all available in large quantities, given protein. Commoners gather tequitlatl (blue-green spirulina algae) in the fine net to give the big harvest protein.

Bernal Díaz del Castillo describes the blue-green algae sold as small cakes that tasted like cheese in the market of Tlatelolco and Tenochtitlan. But it is not only water goods consumed by the Aztecs. Sahagun wrote that tadpoles, frogs, and tentnonmichin (thick, big fish's mouth) also eaten. Acocilin newts and axolotls (crustaceans shrimp) offers a variety to the diet as well.

Cocoa is a popular drink among the royal class and is a valuable commodity, 100 cocoa could buy a small coat. To prepare the beans for a drink, they will first be ground and soaked while filtered. A frothy head will be formed on the surface, then it will be discarded. Then water is added to make the drink bitter. Chocolate is indeed bitter which a various additives for use to flavor it: vanilla, flowers, honey, and even Chile tamed the bitterness of cocoa beans and chocolate color consist of white to colors ranging from red and orange to black.

Fruits as Aztec diet 

The nopalli, or nopal (prickly pear cactus), served to be a popular vegetable inside the Aztec diet, in her Florentine Codex Sahagun reported on 13 different varieties. He described it as having a wide nopal plant, green branches and smooth, though prickly, issued the liquid surface saplike.

Delicious cactus fruit, the nochtli, or tuna, the texture is smooth and flavorful. This fruit is usually eaten raw or cooked, provide filling for tamales and sometimes served like a dessert, though forever in moderation. Because the nopal cactus grows throughout Mexico, all the Aztecs were able to take pleasure in the fruit nochtli, but just enjoy the royal class of more exotic types of white, green, and orange nochtli. Camotli (sweet potato), quahcamotli and cimatl, tree roots or balllike rotating cylinder that would cause vomiting and diarrhea if eaten raw, and atzamatzamolli, round marine plants with white flowers, is also eaten as a fruit.

Animal Food as Aztec diet 

Although not a strict vegetarian society, the Aztecs ate most of the plants growing in their landscape. Partly because of the huge population growth and partly because of the lack of many pet, animal foods are not in a significant reserve. Among pet dogs, turkey (uexolotl), which provides eggs and meat, and duck muscory? Archaeologists have found the number of fish, white-tailed deer, cotton tail rabbits, iguanas, dogs, and turkey bones in trash deposits, although the discovery was not high, solid concentration. Diet upper echelon included more variety in animal foods. Rabbit, possum, deer, herons, geese, quail, hawks and meat added variety Aztec diet, but this is probably dominated the luxury enjoyed by the upper classes.

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